Ruth Bussche


Daran und damit arbeite ich: Provenienzforschung, wissenschaftliche Datenbanken, webbasierte Forschungsumgebungen, Fotogeschichte, historische Bildsammlungen, Normdaten


Lesezeit: 1 Minuten

Die ICON Photographic Materials Group machte eine Call for Papers für eine Tagung zur Fotokonservierung, Deadline ist der 31. August:

Have you just completed a photographic preservation survey?
Concerned about the condition of your photographs?
Struggling to identify or catalogue them?
Then we’d like to hear from you!
We are looking for case studies that involve the preservation and conservation of photographs.? We would particularly like to hear from students but welcome all contributions.? Projects can be large or small, ongoing or completed.? Subjects we hope will be covered at the meeting are:
Case studies of remedial conservation projects
Cataloguing – methodologies and practice
Identification of photographic materials and processes
Practical preservation tips
Special collections in small specialist libraries and museums
Digitisation as a preservation tool for photographs
Family and local history collections; slide collections
Photograph albums

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