Ruth Bussche


Daran und damit arbeite ich: Provenienzforschung, wissenschaftliche Datenbanken, webbasierte Forschungsumgebungen, Fotogeschichte, historische Bildsammlungen, Normdaten


Lesezeit: 1 Minuten

The Place of Photography

20.-21. April 2017

Department of History of Art, University of Oxford
Conference Venue: Christ Church, Oxford

This conference investigates photographs and photographic archives in relation to notions of place. In this context, place is used to explore both the physical location of a photograph or archive, as well as the place of photography as a discursive practice with regard to its value or significance as a method of viewing and conceiving the world. …

The conference features internationally-renowned speakers, with a keynote lecture by Geoffrey Batchen and a final discussion led by Elizabeth Edwards. Site visits to Oxford’s outstanding photographic collections are also planned, including to the Bodleian Library’s Talbot Archive, the Pitt Rivers Museum, the History of Science Museum, the Griffith Institute’s archives of archaeological expeditions, and the History of Art Department’s Visual Resources Centre.

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